Friday, June 8, 2007


My mom is a squirrel feeder. We had this problem where she would put bird seed out, and then it would be gone because the squirrels would eat it.

So, instead of solving the problem of the pesty squirrels, she caved and just started feeding the squirrels instead. I think it's hilarious because there are now two (2) stations where squirrels can run up to, grab a nut or two (2), run to safety and enjoy. Oh, and it isn't birdseed any longer, it's peanuts.

People love peanuts... and instead they are fed to the squirrels. Don't people usually hate squirrels?? for chewing up their gardens and being little pests??


Makes me think of other bandaid solutions we have for things.

Are we afraid of attacking real issues and challenge, so instead with work with what we've got? I guess there's a time and place for both.

I'd hate to see a church split because of worship arguments. hahaha, maybe that's not related, maybe it is.

sleep on it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

funny things

I'm not 100% sure why i've started this blog... perhaps because it's trendy, or perhaps because I'm bored out of my MIND at work. Either way, here it is.

I wanted to first post that for some reason I always see funny things during the day.

For example, yesterday, I was walking during my lunch break because my butt felt flat from sitting all day and this 55-ish year old man drives by in a silver mazda protege BLASTING some serious beats. We're talking like jungle remix stuff. It was all business in that protege.

Anyways, maybe you had to see it.
But i liked it.